slowing down and surviving

I remember when 2000 seemed far, far away. What would the 21st century even be like? Mobile phones & the World Wide Web and trips to Mars? Yes, indeed. 2023 seemed to fly by at rocket speed. Maybe it’s being at a job I love, not always having a backup plan, or wondering if I’ll… Continue reading slowing down and surviving

Lessons from a Luna Moth

Tuesday morning as I entered the yoga studio at 8:30am, preparing for my morning class, I saw a huge green moth, wings spread wide, sitting at the top of the doorframe. Motionless, but so lovely and unique. I took a photo. I stopped and stared. When I showed my co-worker the picture she said, “Those… Continue reading Lessons from a Luna Moth

grateful yoga found me

I have been doing yoga for almost 15 years now. Seems like a really long time. How am old enough to be doing anything that long? And I’ve been a yoga instructor for almost ten… While this is the defiantly the longest season of teaching consistently and regularly- I have enjoyed the process of getting… Continue reading grateful yoga found me

Slip sliding out of summer

It’s not August YET?, It’s ALMOST August…? I’m not sure where I fall into each of these categories. On some days, I may swing back and forth between each sentiment multiple times. This season of my life summer means no school, no extra curricular activities- and could easily mean no schedule, no agenda, no alarm… Continue reading Slip sliding out of summer

The 21st

The 21st of each month used to bring a jolt. A memory. A pause in my breath. Last Sunday was the 21st and I it was the first time in months that I stopped to remember. Our little girl would be two years and four months old. I’ve been around a couple two year olds… Continue reading The 21st


Late April 2020. Death and dying around us. Death in our home. Death in my arms. So with the sting of death, and the crush that C-vid brought to the entire country, we decided to have Isabella cremated. It was what we felt was best for us at that moment. And really, that is all… Continue reading Release

Permission to Be

Yesterday, I made my way back to church. To worship. To listen. It’s been awhile since I’ve attended church regularly, but I’ve recently felt comfortable, ready. So, lately I’ve been going. Somewhere new. Somewhere safe. Yesterday, as I signed Camille and Magnus into children’s church I overheard that it was baby dedication Sunday. NOPE. NOPE.… Continue reading Permission to Be