Slip sliding out of summer

It’s not August YET?, It’s ALMOST August…? I’m not sure where I fall into each of these categories. On some days, I may swing back and forth between each sentiment multiple times. This season of my life summer means no school, no extra curricular activities- and could easily mean no schedule, no agenda, no alarm clocks and lazy summer days.

But two parent working households (which most of us are): I see you! You rouse your children, just as you would during the school year. You pack lunches, you drive kiddos to daycare or church events or grandmas or wait for the sitter to arrive. Every Single Day.

There may be very little down time. There may not be slow mornings or simple visits to the library or splash pad. The summer is drawing to a close and your child has fumbled his way through one book. The packets sent home from the school have not been touched. You bought handwriting workbooks with good intention, but feel guilty when your kids finally get home at 5:30pm to actually initiate doing any “learning.”

Maybe this summer there was no vacation. Maybe you had to repair a septic system or pay unexpected medical bills or just can’t get away from work. While it seems like “everyone else” has taken three vacations this summer, your family has visited the city pool, played in the sprinklers, gone for trips for the good ice cream and eaten loads of watermelon.

Your summer is almost over, but in some way you feel it never really took off.

Maybe this was your first summer divorced- shuffling kids back and forth, planning around someone else’s schedule and trying to find normalcy creating your own way. Listening to your own desires and paying attention, maybe for the first time, to what YOU need: Rest or movement? Leaning in or backing off? Speaking up or keeping your opinions to yourself?

This summer may have not unfolded like you thought it would way back in the gray, bitter cold days of February when you dreamed of sunshine and flip-flops. The summer is here and you’re still waiting.

For a break, a getaway, a pause, someone to tell you- it’s okay!!

Friend, it is okay. You are doing the best you can. Not everyone is going on exotic trips, or traveling across country. Not everyone’s kids slept their entire summer away.

Some did. But many went to grandmas house. Or a waterpark. Or spent many days of summer at daycare or with a sitter. You are doing a wonderful job even if you didn’t work on math flashcards at ALL this summer. Even if “build your own ice cream Sunday” was the craziest idea you’ve had since June. Even if weekend movie marathons under forts in the living room was what the string of 100 degree days drove you to.

Seasons change. Each year will bring different circumstances and more change. Some challenging. Some for the better. But your love for your kids will remain. And you will survive every summer, somehow. Even if that means piecing together childcare for some weeks – they will know- you loved them well.

And they will remember the time spent laughing. Whether that was at the beach or in the backyard hammock. They will remember doing puzzles and picking flowers and painting their faces and having the space to create, the learn and to be kids. Wherever that is.